Mindfulness for Monkeys
To be aware means to live in the present moment, being conscious of our own thoughts, words and actions. Distractions can lead to the missing of important information, recognizing ones situation, wrong interpretation of events and therefore inappropriate behavioral decisions. This can lead to anxiety, avoidance or anger and put one in a vicious circle…
The end of holidays
During first week of the training, we were mostly taking in the knowledge and all the fun of being taught yoga as children. [clear h=1] Yoga is 1% of theory and 99% of practice – said once K. Pattabhi Jois, and now came the time to be more serious about it and practice what we…
Tales for the body, mind and soul
The planet does not need more successful people. The planet needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, story-tellers and lovers of all kinds – Dalai Lama How can we support this enlightened socialization, so we can help to rise the new generation of non-materialistic, but socially oriented inhabitants of this beautiful planet? People for ages learned principles…
Give Me a Break
With half of the training behind us. Thankfully, we were given a day off as being a child all the time can be really challenging and energy consuming. Some of us, didn’t mind to be in that state all day long (impressive, especially when I realized I was the youngest one!). As for me, there…
Children’s Charmers
We all know that yoga and meditation are good for us. Then why it is so hard to stay dedicated and focused? How many times do you catch yourself thinking about groceries, the latest gossip in the workplace or an old friend that you haven’t seen for years, just right after going into Savasana? Children’s…
Chillax sis!
Every day we are growing older. On the forth day we became teenagers. It wasn’t that easy to go back to that time in life. The world was strange like Tim Burton’s movies and confusing like Chinese silent cinema. We were told to do things which didn’t make much sense for us, with the promise…
On my way to Wonderland
Wise man said: “But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. „Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: „we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” „How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. „You must be,” said the Cat, „or you wouldn’t have come here.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in…
Going wild
Yoga is not a team sport. Yoga is an individual, highly personal practice, where your mat is your world, you are focusing on yourself, trying to be aware and mindful and don’t even try to look at others! Partner yoga with Sharikay and Laura was a brand new experience to me. We were…
Welcome to the Jungle
On Saturday morning, six yogi witches, from all over the world, arrived at Eco-Logic Resort. Yoga teachers of different ages, cultural background and family status, gathered to share knowledge and experience to help raise little yogis, so that children can develop essential skills for a lifetime of health and wellness in mind, body and spirit.…
Obi-One Kenobi Wannabe
Much to learn, you still have – Yoda On a regular teacher training, you are studying from sunrise to sunset and a typical day includes two yoga practices, a meditation session, teaching methodology, anatomy and lectures. Six days a week, for a whole month! Your body is in pain, your mind is overwhelmed, and…